Maria Sá Silva

The first portuguese harpist to be awarded at the World Harp Competition in Holland (one of the most high-ranked harp competitions in the World), Maria Sá Silva is “ a true artist, inspired by the world around her, […] using the pedal harp as vessel to communicate with her audience” (Harp Column).

Sa Silva is the author of the award winnig project “Saudade”. The latter includes pieces of the famous portuguese guitar player Carlos Paredes played for the first time on the harp. This project “is an attempt to return to her origins by including the sound realities of traditional Portuguese and Spanish music in her work. With the harp, the instrument that […] represents her sonic world, Maria explores these sounds either by performing existing works, as well as reinventing works written for another instrument. The harpist intends to show an innovative work which has been recognized both in the world of Fado, in the harpistic world as well as by the general public, making known the work of one of the symbols of Portuguese music in a new instrument.” (World Harp Congress Review).

Being recognized all around the world, winning several prizes in Spain, France, Italy and México, she collaborated with orchestras in Portugal, UK, Brasil and Italy, participating in the recording of the soundtrack for the film Agadah, that received a prize at the Venice festival.

As a recitalist, Maria Sa Silva has appreared on stages of Casa da Música (Porto), Pinacoteca di Brera, Auditorium Latuada (Milan), Guidhall School of Music (London), Museo Teatrale La Scala (Milan), CCB (Lisbon). As a soloist she performed with orchestras such as Orquestra do Norte, Orquestra de Câmara de Cascais e Oeiras, Orquestra de Câmara Portuguesa, Jovem Orquestra Portuguesa.

Maria Sá Silva started her musical studies at the age seven in Conservatório de Música do Porto with Aurea Guerner. She then continued her studies in Music Performance at Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado (Milan) in the class of Dr. Irina Zingg. Since 2011, the the HarpMasters Academy has played a vital role in the development of her skills as weel as her personal and artistic growth.

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