Aquiles Delle Vigne
The Innermost journey of a pianist

Details of the book:
Title: The Innermost Journey of a Pianist
Edition: Amazon
Publication's date: 2020
Language: English
Available in Amazon:
This marvellous book is a moving documentary of the inner journey of Aquiles Delle Vigne through a lifetime of love and dedication to Music, as well as his artistry as a pianist. In my many years of teaching and performing, I have seldom read such a lively, comprehensive and detailed chronicle with such important messages and lessons for musicians at all levels of professional experience. The result is a book that will impact all who read it”, says Nancy Bricard, Emeritus Professor at the Flora Thornton University of Southern California School of Music, Los Angeles.Practicing, analysing and advising on 170 examples of Chopin’s Etudes, the Liszt’s Sonata and the Beethoven’s Op. 111, and going through the 48 Preludes and Fugues by Bach. Fingerings, touch’s, constructions, aesthetical forms, exercises; troubles of memory, stage fright, problems of the day to day; “raisons” of the international competitions, mafias; business surrounding music careers; complicity of some jury’s and media… Decryption of the creation of Music, how to locate a composition in time and space dimensions; where the musical work “is and lives”, its ontological existence; what we do represent in the history of the interpretation. Each period of the musical life is defined in relationship with a major musical work. Finally the artist at his summum followed by his non-admitted decadence.